Monday, July 3, 2023

Summer Newsletter and Events

  • River Star Home Forum  
  • Upcoming Events
    • 7/8 - Saturday - Second Saturday Hike at Indian River Park
  • Other News
    • Indian River High School Scholarship
    • June Re-cap

River Star Home Forum

Do you support efforts to 
promote and preserve a healthy and clean environment for our community?  One way you can help is by becoming a River Star Home.  Organized by our partners at the Elizabeth River Project, River Stars pledge to take 7 simple steps to make our river and community cleaner. It’s fun, free and easy to join, and when you do, you will get a beautiful River Star flag for your yard, a welcome packet and more.  And as a River Star you are eligible to get a free native tree delivered to your home ready for planting and access funding opportunities for conservation landscaping, rain gardens, shoreline protection and more.  There are nearly 200 River Star Homes in the Indian River watershed, but we want to double that number and then double it again.  

Are you interested in taking the steps to make our community's environment cleaner and healthier for all? Please take this short survey to learn more:

And mark your calendars for our September meeting on Thursday, 9/21, 7 pm.  Our focus will be all about the River Star program. We will hear from the Elizabeth River Project, existing and new River Star members, and those who want to learn more.  Please take the survey above to sign up for the meeting. 

And you don't have to wait for our September meeting to become a River Star - take the pledge today at

Upcoming Events

Second Saturday Hike at Indian River Park

Saturday, July 8, 8:30 am to 10:30 am

Location: Meet at the Indian River Park entrance at Rokeby Ave. and Main St. (2001 Rokeby Ave.) which is located just south of Military Highway, i.e. across Military Highway from the Fire Station.

Joining for a hike at the park to learn about the history of the park, the native trees and plants in this century old forest on the Indian River flood plain, and its value to maintaining the health of local butterfly, bird, and wildlife populations. Note: the forest trail has uneven surfaces and minor elevation changes. 

Please pre-register at (suggested but not required)

Other News

Indian River High School Scholarship

Congratulations to Derrick Lawrence on winning the Friends of Indian River 2023 Education Scholarship award! This $500 award from the Friends of Indian River provides a scholarship to an outstanding graduating student at Indian River High School.  Derrick embodies the spirit of our mission and excels in leadership, citizenship, extracurricular activities and academics.  Well respected by the faculty, he is seen as an inspiration for other students, and demonstrates a readiness to help and support others.  

June Re-cap

We started the month with Clean the Bay Day on Saturday, June 3 at the Indian River Civic Campus by the High School and Middle School. 30 volunteers removed about 800 lbs. of trash and debris including 2 tires, 2 shopping carts, multiple traffic cones, 1 traffic barrel, a lawn mower, and an abandoned, half inflated raft.  A big thanks to all our local volunteers who came out to help including those from the Commonwealth Challenge  Youth Academy and from Harbor Group Management Company.  And while we were running our cleanup, a large group from Indian River High School were cleaning in and around the school stadium, including under and around the bleachers.

Later in the month, 8 volunteers came out for today's Adopt-A-Road cleanup along Indian River Road, around the bridge, and at the future Blue Heron Landing Park.   We collected another 200 lbs. of trash and debris.

On-going volunteer efforts included weeding at the Bridge, weeding in the Native Plant Garden and working on removing invasive Linden Viburnum at Indian River Park.  If you can help out with any of these on-going volunteer efforts, please contact us at

We had fine weather for our spring picnic, with a chance for members and volunteers to relax and just socialize for a bit.  We also bid farewell in June to Pastor Tim Hazlett from Oaklette United Methodist Church who is moving on to his next assignment; Pastor Tim was a strong supporter of the Friends since we were established.