Actually, the park trails were in excellent shape with little trash, allowing us to focus our efforts on the flood plain. By the end of the morning, our hardy volunteers had hauled out 38 consolidated bags of trash, a tire, a fire extinguisher and a muddy, soggy mattress. All in all, we estimated that we removed 850 pounds of trash, which was about 20% less than last year. The most common items were beverage containers - cans, bottles, cups - and food wrappers. The largest item of the day was the mattress. The most interesting item was an old Red Ryder BB Gun (with a warning about the risk of possible eye injury).
After the cleanup, many participants stayed around for the after picnic and enjoyed burgers, hot dogs, camaraderie, and the good feeling of success. And our next cleanup, along Indian River Road is only two weeks away! For more photos see HERE