Friday, January 16, 2015

Annual Meeting

We held our Annual Meeting on the 15th and held elections for our Board of Directors.  We have one departing board member, Keith, who we would like to truly thank for his service this past year.   And we welcome our newest board member, Sara as a Director At-Large. Our other Directors At-Large are Sharon and Amy; our officers are Secretary Helene, Treasurer Jayne ,and  VP Diane and Rogard continuing on as President for another year.

We also talked about our goals and projects for the new year.   We're continuing most of existing efforts around Community Beautification, improvements to Indian River Park, Education and Outreach, and various interactions with the City.    A new focus in a greater partnership with the Elizabeth River Project and supporting the new Eastern Branch Environmental Restoration Strategy.  As various efforts and events get under way, keep an eye out for our calls for volunteers.   And, if you have a particular interest, skill, or trade that you would like to use to volunteer to help the community, let us know.   There are so many possibilities and we'd love your help.

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